December 31, 2023

Greetings Liberty family & friends This New Years Eve weekend is unusual for Becky and me – and I’ll explain that in a moment. But first we want to wish you all a very happy New Year!🎉 Also, the RE-START of Cafe Liberty tomorrow is an ideal time to re-connect, encourage and link up with

December 24, 2023

Merry Christmas to you all! Welcome this evening to worship at 6:00 PM for a time set apart together to celebrate the Gift of God’s love in Christ Jesus. In Scripture and song, we turn together to glorify Him “whose goings forth have been from of old, even from everlasting”. (Micah 5:2) We may wonder

December 17, 2023

Greetings to you all Tomorrow’s Birthday Breakfast for Jesus is a fun festive family gathering we love to share! Join us at 10:00 AM tomorrow (in the fellowship hall) as we celebrate the best and brightest of birthdays. For the glory of the One whose birth the angels heralded in the night skies over Bethlehem,

December 10, 2023

Dear Liberty family & friends How’s your “inbox” looking these days? Oh yes, I know. It’s been brimming over with “can’t miss this!” offers and last-minute reminders for ordering and shipping gifts. The open-ended details can become quite a long list in these weeks before Christmas. Add to that, an emergency or an unexpected delay

December 3, 2023

Greetings to you all It’s a joy to welcome each of you for celebrations from the heart each Sunday! Our Cafe Liberty gathering from 9:45 until Worship at 10:15 AM is a time of refreshments and greetings that we love to share. We pray each step of faith you take in the week ahead will