Greetings to you all

Welcome to Cafe Liberty from 9:45 until our Worship @ 10:15 AM tomorrow – on the first Sunday of 2024!

As we’ve all kept a close eye on weather for this first snow event of 2024, a key concern is always whether roads are passable
and safe. When we have a forecast that’s a “close call” we know there’s a question mark for some in making plans. This weekend looks pretty good, all things considered.

With the church parking lot now pre-salted (many thanks to Brian Mobley), it’s likely that what snowfall we get will not interrupt our regular schedule tomorrow.

It’s our intention to stay on-schedule on-site at church but certainly would notify you this evening via email should it be necessary to go only virtual tomorrow.

As Becky and I experienced last Sunday, we’re so delighted that worshipers can connect via live stream as a number of you already do.

I hope these first days of 2024 have been a superb start for your new year too.

At the heart of the Great Commission is our shared calling to be involved in making disciples. Followers of Jesus bring His life-giving Word into each arena of living. Close to the heart of all we’re called to share here at Liberty Church is a passion for discovering and developing the gifts of God’s people. Though it’s often expressed in small steps of faith, the opportunity to serve the Lord alongside others, with a sense of teamwork for the glory of God, is a vital part of our vision.

Most of us have areas of concern in life that call for setting a new goal with a fresh focus on clearing away distractions, especially in these first days of 2024. That prayerfully re-framed goal may be about physical fitness, diet or wellness or financial planning or in a goal related to work or a key project that requires extra dedication.

Whatever it may be, there is a powerful assurance that rings through the words of Jesus when He said:

“Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.” (Matthew 6:33).

It’s fascinating to realize that the Kingdom goals Jesus set before each disciple involved physical, spiritual, family, vocational and financial assurances.

There is no arena in life left untouched by the scope of His powerful promise.

“….All these things” is a phrase that points at your deepest concerns in 2024. It’s a vast sweep of God’s grace that covers any goal you may have on your heart today and any area of concern on your “to-do” list! This is Kingdom life in action. Trusting Jesus is vital to the way we see 2024.

And before we rapidly race down the path of pursuing our next goal, we have to ask ourselves how that word “first” applies to us. What does “first” mean for each of us in order to “seek His Kingdom and His righteousness”?

Certainly, it includes putting the clear commands of Christ before the goals we set – even the best-conceived goals. We “first” ask, “Lord, what would you have me to do?”

So, it starts in quiet time with God. Within the passage of Matthew 6 there are powerful reminders that we can rise above anxiety through “asking, seeking and knocking”. That is, in a time set apart with God, we can always be sure He welcomes our:

“Asking” for His clear guidance to set our course in a way that will glorify Him
“Seeking” for more information, more insight and more understanding – a key part of what it means to truly be “goal-oriented”
“Knocking” is a vivid way to describe persistence in a path we have prayerfully chosen. And it reminds us that Jesus is inviting us to a place of acceptance with God. Our heavenly Father isn’t annoyed by our repeated “knocks”! It’s the same principle as in James 1:5 where we God gives assurance that anyone genuinely seeking more “wisdom” from Him will not be “upbraided” or rebuked for their questions. Yes, your “knock” is always welcome at the big door!

When disappointment interrupts your plans, don’t give up. When it’s time for a re-direction, knock on that door of bold believing prayer. When you’re facing uncertainty, knock again on the Father’s “door” by asking again for the wisdom you need to make wise decisions.

Tapping into the wisdom God promises is one of the golden keys of goal setting. Often overlooked but deeply needed. Ask. Seek. Knock. Believe this. It’s alive!

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow!

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In His love,
Pastor Joe

Liberty Church
P.O. Box 295
Westminster MD 21158


Office: 410.857.4313
Pastor’s cell: 410.596.4096

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