Greetings friends:
As cold temperatures arrive, join in with our “warm-up” time in Cafe Liberty ~ from 9:45 AM until worship at 10:15 AM.
We’re so grateful for those whose serving helps us gather to greet guests and friends.
Welcome to you all!
Many of us recall the TV series in the 1960’s called Mission Impossible. A suspense-stirring link between Part 1 and Part 2 of each program was some variation of a spy finding a secret tape recording with instructions for his or her “mission”. In a tightly limited time-frame, the spy had to listen well because each week that familiar voice would intone:
“Your mission – should you decide to accept it is ___________________”
And then within 60 seconds, smoke would rise from the tape as it caught fire and burned to a crisp.
Typical of the TV shows of that era, it was a bit preposterous with zany characters in the mix, but just enough realistic suspense to keep eyes glued to the TV set because most viewers naturally wanted to see the spy succeed.
The repeating theme from that TV show reminds me of a choice we have to make. In the real-world experiences of a follower of Jesus, each of us are called into His Mission. In a sense, each mission we encounter for God requires a bold choice. In the Gospels, Jesus calls us to follow Him into a world of hurt! Each time, it can be said “Your mission (for today) is here, IF you choose to accept it”
Yes in our world there’s a “time-limit” on the great message of God’s Kingdom. Didn’t Jesus say “Lift up your eyes on the fields or they are white already for harvest”? He aims our attention at the mission that is right at our doorstep.
That call is accelerated each time we encounter a troubled soul, a trial or adversity that we don’t understand or when our resources and energy seems to be stretched too thin.
We stand at the gate of opportunity each time we gather here for worship! We too get instructions that sound hard to accomplish (“Deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Me”). So just like each “spy” in that TV show was told “This is your mission, should you decide to accept it“, we as followers of Jesus have choices to make each day.
The awesome difference for us is that the tasks that may feel “impossible” to us are placed within our faith-reach because of HIM!
When I see the church today in our shared calling to express the living reality of our Savior’s love to others, I get excited by the fresh opportunities these challenges bring to us.
We’re here to worship, yes – that’s always our first priority
But we’re also here to grow, to respond to God’s timely Word and to give Jesus a huge “YES” to the mission He gives us.
Each time the mission of our King rings in our ears, we realize it’s awesome in scope.
His mission pours a love into us that is far greater than our capacity to love.
His mission includes expressing love for God in a world that is often cold to any mention of genuine faith. It involves us in serving when it isn’t convenient and continuing to care even for those who are oblivious or obstinately opposed to the truth. And as we gather to worship the risen King, the power of His mission finds new avenues of expression.
Quite simply, the mission that matters most is never easy. But the key is loving and serving the King of kings. It’s His mission sent through us. And whenever it feels impossible to us, Scripture clearly shows us that is HIM-possible.
The timeless force of His promise fuels fresh vision in our lives today: “….you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you shall be my witnesses.” (Acts 1:8) 

A few quick reminders….
(See our Events page for more information about each of the events below)
October 23 – We’re pleased Mrs. Joan Spangler, sharing the Operation Christmas Child opportunity among churches in Carroll County. We look forward to having Joan present the vision of Operation Christmas Child as we link up with others in our community for this year’s vital mission for needy children in many parts of the world.
November 11th ~ Our Thanksgiving Dinner together ~ A Gratitude Gathering for the whole family. Please see the sign-up sheet on our Connections Table to RSVP.
November 20th ~ Communion Sunday ~ our observance of the Lord’s sacrifice in redeeming us by His blood to His unshakable Kingdom. In the Table of the LORD we meet in expectancy and gratitude in reflection and remembrance together for the glory of our King.
Have a beautiful weekend!
In His love,
Joe D. Ready
Liberty Church
1641 Old Westminster Road,
Westminster MD 21157
Mailing address: P.O. Box 295, Westminster MD 21158-0295
Church Office: 410.857.4313
Pastor’s Cell: 410.596.4096