Café Liberty @ 9:45 & Worship @ 10:15 AM
Greetings Liberty family & friends:
As the hours of daylight begin to recede during these crisp cool fall days, the natural beauty of the season is another gift God sends us all to enjoy. Silent gifts sometimes go unrecognized and so it is with the indescribable gifts God sends us in the changing of the seasons.
There’s a lot of value in just stopping at times to behold the sheer beauty of God’s magnificent creation around us. Savoring the artistry of the Almighty is good for the soul!
Update on sanctuary chairs:
Our 50% deposit for new sanctuary chairs has now been made and we expect delivery in the latter part of February 2023. In the meantime arrangements will be made to sell most of the pews most likely during January and February as we make preparations for getting the new sanctuary seating in place. When the delivery date is confirmed, we’ll assemble a team of guys to manage the move from truck-bed into sanctuary. If you would like to help with that project, please let me know. I’ll update the volunteer team on our plans as things develop. Thanks above all to everyone who contributed to the Future Fund previously as we moved toward this next goal.
Also, a heartfelt shout-out of thanks to each of you who contribute to the Rainy Day Fund and to all whose offerings whether in person or via online giving help fund improvements and upgrades.
Our immediate focus in October is renewing and igniting our calling to share in missions together in this beautiful season:
We invite your participation in each of the following:
1. Challenge Farm’s Corn Supply replenishing project ~ at $28 per bag, these staples for the food preparations at Challenge Farm in Kenya are vitally needed.
Many thanks to all who have given toward the Challenge Farm corn supply project. A gift of any amount (designated for “Corn” or “Kenya”) this month will go directly to that need.
2. We also invite you to pick up information on the Operation Christmas Child table and plan to be part of our team effort with other congregations in Carroll County. We look forward to welcoming the area coordinator for a presentation on October 23rd and we so appreciate Hannah Eberly leading our part in this vital team project for needy children.
3. Pregnancy Care and Support Centers in our area whose ministries are the bridge into life for many at-risk babies as well as providing vital care, counsel and resources for women in every phase of their experience. We’re grateful to send on the offerings of worshipers here at Liberty Church for Alpha Pregnancy Center (Reisterstown) and for the Center for Pregnancy Concerns (Westminster). All those who volunteer in various roles for both of these centers are giving life-saving and life-celebrating options in care to women across the Baltimore and Carroll County region. We’re super grateful for all that these centers do and invite you to add any amount of designated offerings for “pregnancy centers” to a check and/or offering envelope.
Looking ahead….Two events in November are a focal point for the Thanksgiving month: First, please place the 2nd Friday night in November on your calendar (November 11th) for a Thanksgiving style fellowship dinner here at church beginning at 6:30. This is an evening of great food and fellowship for families and singles – all ages are welcome. The turkey and fixings are provided by the church and as we do on other meal events, we invite you to bring side dishes and desserts of your choice. See the sign-up sheet on the Connections Table to RSVP and let us know what you can bring for a Gratitude Gathering on the evening of November 11th.
Also, our next Lord’s Supper observance will be on Sunday November 20th, a time when we share together in communion with worshipers of all ages. A familiar word associated with the Lord’s Table is the term “eucharist”. Though it has varied meanings in it’s historical usage, it’s significant that the term literally means “giving thanks well”!
That core element of God’s redeeming grace (the ‘charis” of unmerited favor) is at the heart of the Lord’s Table, but the word itself hints at the part God offers to each of us in His drama of salvation. In every call to worship, it is an honor to be among those who know how undeserving we are of God’s grace in the Lord Jesus Christ. When we meet at the Table, that “call to worship” is symbolized by breaking bread and partaking of the cup as a sign of our unity. What a treasure to keep close to our hearts as a church body.
We’re so delighted for friends to join us in Facebook Live – and here’s that link to find us quickly:
The link for audio podcasts accessible on desktop, tablet or mobile device is here:
In His love,
Joe D. Ready
Liberty Church
1641 Old Westminster Road,
Westminster MD 21157
Mailing address: P.O. Box 295, Westminster MD 21158-0295
Church Office: 410.857.4313
Pastor’s Cell: 410.596.4096