Greetings to you all
“Contradiction” is a word we usually use in a negative way. If the price marked on an item displays differently in the shopping cart, it’s a contradiction. A pharmacist’s comment may contradict what a physician’s assistant has said. That’s not good. A road sign may contradict the actual (realistic) flow of traffic in a congested area. Thousands of times every day, the federal government contradicts itself! And, well, you can probably think of other annoying or frustrating contradictions in life.
On the other hand, contradictions can also be quite welcome. If truth contradicts what we thought we knew, isn’t better to find out? Jesus often contradicted the religious ideas of his day. Contradicting conventional wisdom was common in the teachings of Jesus. “You have heard that it was said….” Jesus reminded his audience. And then, with a jolt of truth that astounded his audience, our Savior proclaimed “But I say unto you…”
Parables, miracles and quiet night-time visits with fascinated guests like Nicodemus often contained Kingdom-shaped contradictions!
Even when telling ancient stories that were familiar to the religious leaders, Jesus contradicted their thread-bare interpretations with lightning bolts of truth that clearly showed the Author of Scripture was in their midst.
In the Epistle to the Hebrews, we’ll see this kind of holy contradiction in the next section of our series. Good news often does that! Truth breaks through like sunrise on a darkened shore. Christ’s Kingdom contradicts the culture. Just as He did when walking the dusty roads of Galilee, Jesus brings His sunburst of hope into the landscape where we live. What a joy to know God has new discoveries in store for us, even when they come in the gift-wrap of a holy contradiction!
Join us in Cafe Liberty in the half hour prior to 10:15 AM Worship tomorrow. You’re among friends and we love meeting your friends, loved ones and co-workers in each of these gatherings as well!
In these busy and beautiful weeks of Fall, pray for each of these outreaches that touch so many lives for the glory of God:
Fall season Special Events:
Alpha Pregnancy Center Banquet – Saturday October 5th, 2024
We welcome you to join personally in our support of Alpha Pregnancy Center’s ministry of providing timely, effective, Christ-centered care to women facing any type of crisis or duress in regard to expectancy, childbirth or motherhood. The annual Alpha Pregnancy Center Banquet at Grace Bible Church in Manchester MD is a great intro to the ministry and a time to step up our financial support! The Alpha Banquet is on Saturday evening, October 5th beginning with a Silent Auction @ 5:00 PM. There are free seats available at pre-sponsored tables. We would love to welcome you and your guests. For tickets, see Lou Enoff here at church or email him.
Something new and out-of-the-blue! Stars and Stripes Sunday: October 13, 2024
Invite friends to join us in welcoming John “Dragon” Teichert, author of the book “Boom!” who inspires young and old alike to pray for the USA, to cherish the liberty we have received as Americans and to serve with courage in these perilous times.
In this election season of 2024, General Teichert’s unique experiences in innovative leadership and sacrificial service for the nation remind voters of what is at stake in the choices each person must make as a citizen. Veterans will be honored in our Stars and Stripes Sunday celebration of citizenship. Be thinking of a veteran and his or her family you can invite to join us for this special day! Pray for General Teichert and his wife Melonie and their family as he travels widely in these weeks before Election Day inspiring believers to bold action in prayer, voting and faithful service for the glory of God.