Greetings to you all
Faith initiatives for the glory of God are a fascinating part of our adventure as followers of Jesus.
From the accounts we have of the earliest Christians, there are many signs of robust, daring acts of faith that made the reality of a Risen Savior an inescapable issue in conversation and in community life.
In all types of adversity, the followers of Jesus kept breaking barriers and opening doors for others to hear the good news about a Kingdom that cannot be shaken!
One dictionary defines “initiative” as the “desire and capacity to start a new course of action” or simply “the act of taking the first step
Anyone who knows he or she is loved by God can freely do just that – take the 1st step in a new course of action.
Initiative is a powerful tool in the arsenal that God provides each of us.
In the congregational adventure we share, the same is true. It’s moving and very encouraging to see this principle in action in new ways. Initiatives that make a difference in the church flow from the hearts of those who love the Lord and seek to honor Him by giving generously and serving creatively.
As I shared with you last weekend the great work that Jonathan, Jessica, Chuck and Brian did on the grounds and at the highest point of the old steeple on this building, we saw initiative for God’s glory in action.  The steeple looks SO much better now, thanks to the many hours Jonathan and Jessica gave to the job.
Their work, along with those who support our Rainy-Day fund for equipment, improvements, supplies and repairs are an ongoing asset that is deeply appreciated.
Stories like these, so fun to share, are ongoing. In recent weeks, Jerry and Patty Reese took on several projects, or as we’ve come to call them “labors of love”! One of these has been preparing, repairing and painting the church’s social hall/multi-purpose room. Over the past month, with minimal assistance along the way, Jerry and Patty have treated, prepped, spackled, sanded, painted trim, ceilings, walls and repaired electrical outlets in a project that’s still ongoing this morning. Theirs and the team last weekend are such prime examples of the inspiration that comes from the hearts of people who thrive on a job well done.
These initiatives, lovingly offered for the glory of God, are timely and encouraging for everyone.
Please lift <name redacted> in prayer for a successful surgery on Tuesday, April 30th and blessed recovery in the following days; and join us in prayer for good rest, wellness and progress in rehab for <name redacted>, at Copper Ridge in Eldersburg, <name redacted> in Atlee Hill in Westminster and <name redacted> in a facility in western PA.
Next Saturday, May 4th is a half-day volunteer serving opportunity to meet up for a brief breakfast meet and greet at 8:00 and several indoor and outdoor tasks from 8:30 until Noon. It will help us plan the day to get sign-ups on the Connection Table, so let us know if you can make it. As always, we welcome late sign-ups and guests. Tasks for the day include window cleaning, vacuuming and/or painting (indoors), one outdoor painting project, weeding and mulching in flowerbeds etc.
Here are our worship service live-stream links to enjoy and share! Thanks to you all for lifting up those who serve and for all the ways your prayers empower and encourage the “equipping of the saints for works of service for the edifying of the Body of Christ”.

View the service live online

Listen to past services

“Gracious words are a honeycomb, 
sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.” 
(Proverbs 16:24 NIV)

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