Greetings friends
Join us each Sunday for Cafe Liberty greetings and coffee @ 9:45 AM as we connect with friends and welcome guests into 10:15 AM Worship. Tomorrow is one of our “name tag Sundays” as well, so thanks to everyone who participates by picking up your name tag in the foyer area.
Thanks to all the volunteers this morning, helping out with projects after our 8:00 AM quick breakfast together. There’s a lot to do inside and out, and many ways others can help, so don’t hesitate to ask for more information if you can’t be with us this time.
Thank you also for keeping each friend in prayer who is in recovery from surgery or awaiting test results or staying in a facility for specialized care. We are so grateful for the prayer connection that we see uplifting and nurturing the fellowship of the Body of Christ. Join us in daily pray for wellness, strength, renewal of energy and assurance in the hearts of those who are in recovery from surgery or coping with health challenges requiring tests, consultation and or medication changes.
It was truly a joy on Tuesday to visit with this couple whose work in global mission endeavors are impacting the lives of pioneering church planters in some of the most difficult and remote parts of the world. For over 35 years, with service on three continents, Larry and Stephanie Kraft have poured their passion for the Gospel of Christ to be given to the least, the lost and the lonely. ![]()
The upcoming last year prior to a season of retirement has brought Larry and Stephanie back to Baltimore to the house they had rented out while serving in Brazil and the United Kingdom, with One Challenge, their mission agency based in Colorado Springs Colorado. The move back into a house that’s their primary residence for this phase of service holds many challenges, so we’re praying together and assessing how to be of help. It’s such a joy to re-connect in person back on “home turf”.
Special Opportunity for CPR and AED Training
To make CPR and AED training easily available to Liberty members and friends, a class is being offered on either of two dates, with the cost to each person reduced to $35 each:
In less than two hours you can get certified with valuable training that could potentially save someone’s life. Our friend and neighbor, Myriam Lewis, who offers these classes periodically here is setting aside two dates specifically for you:
The dates for these classes are Tuesday, May 21st @ 4:00 PM and Tuesday, June 18th @ 4:00 PM.
Please place your name and contact info on the CPR Training Sign-up sheet on the Connections Table if interested in either of these classes.
Here are our worship service live-stream links to enjoy and share! Thanks to you all for lifting up those who serve and for all the ways your prayers empower and encourage the “equipping of the saints for works of service for the edifying of the Body of Christ”.
View the service live online
- Directly from our Live page
- Facebook Live:
Listen to past services
- Podcast (audio) on our Past Services page
“What does the LORD require of you, but to fear the LORD your God,
to walk in all His ways, to love Him, to serve the LORD your God with all your
heart and with all your soul.”
(Deuteronomy 10:12 ESV)
In His love,
Pastor Joe
Liberty Church
P.O. Box 295
Westminster MD 21158
Office: 410.857.4313
Pastor’s cell: 410.596.4096