Greetings Liberty family & friends

It’s an honor to invite you to our time together at the Lord’s Table in morning worship.

We also so appreciate all those who serve in our Cafe Liberty welcoming time between 9:45 and 10:15 AM.

Welcome to you all! ☕Join us early for coffee, tea or juice tomorrow if you can.

One of the vital experiences for worshipers that is woven into the events of the Book of Acts was the “breaking of bread”.

What a warm and simple phrase – “breaking bread”!

There are both commonplace and profoundly powerful experiences in the New Testament that involved the “breaking of bread”.

In the humblest circumstances, it’s a phrase that is rich with potential for conversation, lively interaction, laughter and listening.

On the commonplace level, we are nourished by the heart-to-heart connection of those with whom we “break bread”. Any meal for which we give God thanks can enrich the lives of those who share it.

But the use of “breaking bread” in Acts also points to a regular observance of communion. In fact, the term “eucharist” as a synonym for communion conveys a dual meaning in that it’s root word is the same as “grace” or “gift” but the word “eucharist” itself means “to give thanks well“.

Both phrases, “breaking bread” and “eucharist” point to the treasures of the Kingdom of God that are accessible to every worshiper. They span the centuries of God’s redemptive plan for His people. Communion is the tangible expression of that priceless invisible fact expressed by the Apostle Paul in I Corinthians 1:9: “God is faithful who has called you into fellowship with His Son Jesus Christ.

It’s a classic example of how the Holy Spirit placed power principles at the fingertips of every single person who follows Jesus.

As the point-of-connection for all worshipers to actively remember Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, “breaking bread” portrays God’s love in colorful brush strokes on the canvass of our souls. We’re reminded of a nourishment that can only come from Him.

But the same phrase was used by biblical writers for meals that were more commonplace even in those ancient times that seem so distant from us.

Yes, even today the “breaking of bread” conveys so much more about the goodness of the Gospel than words can describe. In it’s elegant simplicity, the call we share together is part of the life-transforming invitation the Holy Spirit gives us daily to “taste and see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8a)

In the Lord’s Table, with broken bread and the fruit of the vine together we share a rich heritage in God’s grace of “giving thanks well“!

Who could have guessed in that era we now call “the Early Church” that God’s generosity would become a kind of timeless table ~ a gift within reach of the redeemed in every generation throughout the globe! With brothers and sisters in Christ across the expanse of time, the bread and the cup say far more than our words can express.

In honor for His Lordship and the glory of His presence, we respond gladly to His command to “Do this in remembrance of Me

Looking ahead…

It’s our goal for every gathering at church to maximize the gifts of God’s people as worshipers grow deep roots of faith in God’s Word.


A new season for Men’s Bible Study begins with a meal @ 6:30 on Tuesday, February 27th.
RSVP by reply to this email or sign up on the “Men’s Bible Study Group” sign-up sheet on the Connections table.


Ladies’ Love-in-Action Luncheon on Sunday, March 10th (11:45 AM – after morning service) RSVP via Evite email reply

Please note Easter season dates for our regular services (and Good Friday evening):

  • Palm Sunday – March 24th ~ Cafe Liberty @ 9:45 AM and Worship @ 10:15 AM
    Good Friday – March 29th @ 7:00 PM in remembrance and recognition of the sacrificial death of the Lord Jesus ~ Join us!
  • Easter Sunday ~ Resurrection of Jesus Celebration on Sunday, March 31st ~ Cafe Liberty @ 9:45 AM and Worship @ 10:15 AM
  • And an advance “save-the-date” ~ a church workday is being planned for Saturday, May 4th 8:30 AM until 12:00 Noon (outdoor and indoor projects)

We love welcoming those who join us in live stream for morning worship @ 10:15 AM or connecting with Liberty online on their own schedule.
Here are the links to find Liberty Church online:

View the service live online

Listen to past services

“The LORD is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”
(Psalm 34:18)

In His love,
Pastor Joe

Liberty Church
P.O. Box 295
Westminster MD 21158


Office: 410.857.4313
Pastor’s cell: 410.596.4096

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