Greetings Liberty family & friends
In the in-between weekend from Thanksgiving to a busy Christmas season, there are so many tasks that await us. These are delightful days in many ways. But the open-ended details multiply. We all face unfinished tasks that can’t be done without additional errands or packages to be delivered or resources to be found.
Isn’t this the case in many areas of life? There are those “in-between” situations that bring us a range of choices. Some of these simply require a good dose of patience.
But in other cases, there is uncertainty and stress in our in-between zone, especially when it involves waiting for others to take action which may or may not happen!
But we shouldn’t miss the beauty of these places where we have to re-organize and re-imagine a new set of decisions. Our in-between days can be very useful. They remind us of the evergreen principle of the living Word of God that touches us with lively energy for each new day! Advent really is the ultimate example of our living in an in-between zone. For in the urgent summons of “Prepare the way for the LORD; make His paths straight” we are all called to watch and to wait even as the work of each day presses in upon us.
This simple truth came home to me as decorations were being placed here in the sanctuary this year. For one Sunday (tomorrow) there are no ornaments or lights on the Christmas tree. It’s in need of attention just as our souls are in need of attention.
And there’s a dual meaning for the green in-between. It also stands as a symbol of the evergreen energy of God’s Word reaching each of us while we watch and wait and bring our hearts to God for preparation.
May an unadorned tree also remind us that our Lord’s birth and sojourn in this planet brought him into the plain, unadorned realities of human experience. He meets us in the “green in-between” of life’s demands, struggles, questions and needs. In the mundane tasks of daily life, the evergreen potential of God’s Word working in us is due to the sacrificial love of God’s only-begotten Son.
“Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift.” (II Corinthians 9:15)
We love to have so many friends sharing in the live-stream via church website or FB live at 10:15 AM each Sunday. Here are the links for either viewing option:
Join us on our Live website page.
Here’s the link to live stream via Facebook:
And for audio only ~ you can get our podcast for any device you choose via Anchor FM or Spotify at this link:
As we savor the simple celebrations of His GIFT, we welcome you and your loved ones and friends to each service:
November 27th ~ Cafe Liberty (9:45-10:15) & Worship (1st Sunday of Advent) at 10:15 AM
December 4th ~ Cafe Liberty (9:45-10:15) & Worship (2nd Sunday of Advent) at 10:15 AM
December 11th ~ Cafe Liberty (9:45-10:15) & Worship (3rd Sunday of Advent) at 10:15 AM
December 18th ~ Birthday Breakfast for Jesus! Fellowship hall @ 10:00 AM (share thisĀ flyer (BirthdayBreakfastForJesus) and RSVP via sign-up sheet on the Connections table)
December 23rd ~ Candlelight Christmas Worship (Christ candle in Advent) @ 7:00 PM
Help us spread the word ~ Invite friends to worship with us on the evening PRIOR to Christmas Eve.
Christmas Day ~ Online only. Our pre-recorded Dec 25th service via our Live website page will release at 10:15 AM for anytime-viewing
Note: We return to the sanctuary together on New Years’ Day ~ January 1st, 2023 at 10:15 AM [with Cafe Liberty @ 9:45 AM]
In His love,
Joe D. Ready
Liberty Church
1641 Old Westminster Road, Westminster MD 21157
Mailing address: P.O. Box 295, Westminster MD 21158-0295
Church Office: 410.857.4313
Pastor’s Cell: 410.596.4096