Greetings friends!

Gifts are a primary focus for most people in preparing for Christmas. It’s a huge part of everyone’s life.

Our earliest memories of Christmas are often linked to a surprise gift or to an unforgettable person whose kindness touched us in a way that helped define “Christmas” to us.

However, as enriching as any good gift can be, it hurts to see the deep chasm in our culture between crass marketing and the reality of the GIFT that is truly at the heart of Christmas.

With nostalgic loneliness, many people gaze longingly into that chasm, yearning for a connection that fills a space that seems profoundly vacant in the soul. The sheer magnitude of seasonal commercialism that spans generations and cultures and nations is proof of that longing for lively and meaningful relationships. Oddly, even those of a more Scrooge-like disposition are often caught up in their own pursuit of a prize, similar to the very holiday they despise.

It would surely surprise a lot of people to know how clearly God sees all those yearnings! The troubling emotions that tear at the soul for many people in the Christmas season are not unusual. They are signs, actually, of how deeply we all need the true GIFT.

Here in our Advent worship and in all the ways we can walk alongside our friends, it’s empowering to know that no broken heart goes unnoticed by the Lord Jesus. When He stepped into this sin-cursed world in the tiniest and most vulnerable form of a baby-in-utero, God Almighty placed His best GIFT in a gift-wrap of profound empathy.

Here in our world, where even the best of human gifts are mere tokens of what only God can do, we may truly say “O Come Let us Adore Him“. He alone can meet the yearning soul at the summit of their chasm of hurt. And He alone is the One “who does all things well” (Mark 8:37)

May the gift of God’s grace and peace be abundantly yours in the midst of Christmas preparations. Savor the good gifts of God in our adventure of following Jesus together.

We welcome you and your loved ones and friends ~ “Unto Him shall the gathering of the people be” (Genesis 49:10)

December 11th ~ Café Liberty (9:45-10:15) & Worship (3rd Sunday of Advent) at 10:15 AM
December 18th ~ Birthday Breakfast for Jesus! Fellowship hall @ 10:00 AM (share attached flyer and RSVP via sign-up sheet on the Connections table)

December 23rd ~ Candlelight Christmas Worship (Christ candle in Advent) @ 7:00 PM
Help us spread the word ~ Invite friends to worship with us on the evening PRIOR to Christmas Eve.

Christmas Day ~ Our Dec 25th service will be online only at 10:15 AM on Christmas morning ~ live-stream access at

Note: We return to the sanctuary together on New Years’ Day ~ January 1st, 2023 at 10:15 AM [with Cafe Liberty @ 9:45 AM]

On each of these Sundays and for our Friday evening Christmas Candlelight service, Liberty’s Live-stream is available via the church website and in Facebook live!

Here are the links for either viewing option:

Join us via Liberty’s website at this link:

Here’s the link to livestream via Facebook:

And for audio only ~ you can get our podcast for any device you choose via Anchor FM or Spotify. See our Past Services page.

Joy to the world ~ and JOY to each of you!

In His love,

Joe D. Ready
Liberty Church
1641 Old Westminster Road, Westminster MD 21157
Mailing address: P.O. Box 295, Westminster MD 21158-0295
Church Office: 410.857.4313
Pastor’s Cell: 410.596.4096

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